Today's digital age is dominated by virtual interactions, so the importance of human touch cannot be overstated. Human touch is not only essential for social connection but also plays a crucial role in personal well-being. While several haptic devices exist, none truly recreate the nuanced sensation of human touch. This is where our groundbreaking research comes into play, focusing on haptic wearables that simulate realistic human-like touch in the digital world.

System Development:
Research on haptic actuators centers around the development of cutting-edge multimodal haptic actuators. Pneumatic-actuated soft actuators, which are specially designed to mimic the subtleties of human touch provide a lifelike, high-fidelity experience. Because of meticulous design and implementation, we have achieved a level of precision that allows us to target specific body sites for stimulation, enhancing the overall realism of tactile feedback.
Additionally, we have made significant advances in hardware, along with haptic actuator development. A soft pneumatically actuated haptic vest developed to revolutionize the way people interact with virtual environments. To ensure maximum mobility and comfort for users, we have designed a wireless body area network (WBAN) to seamlessly integrate our haptic jacket.
