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TaeHyun Kim, Harris Nisar, Robb Lindgren, Jiahao Zhang, Xiaoyu Tang, Matthew Lira, Aishwari Talhan, Beyond the Screen: Gestural Perspective-Taking with a Biochemistry Simulation CHI 2024 Late-Breaking Work- Accepted!.


Nathan Joseph, Adam Pollet, Emanuel Uzan, Patricia Batista Ruivo, Tal Abravanel, Aishwari Talhan, Yongjae Yoo, Jeremy Cooperstock "Multimodal Haptic Armrest for Immersive 4D Experiences” in
proceeding of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), Work in Progress (WIP) category, Montreal,
Canada, July 6-9, 2021


Sang-Woo Seo, SeungJoon Kwon, Waseem Hassan, Aishwari Talhan, and Seokhee Jeon, "Interactive Virtual-Reality Fire Extinguisher with Haptic Feedback,” In Proceedings of VRST’19, 25th ACM
Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology Article No. 75, Australia, November 12 - 15,


Aishwari Talhan, Hwangil Kim, and Seokhee Jeon, “Wearable Soft Pneumatic Ring with Multi-Mode Controlling for Rich Haptic Effects.” In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’19, 2019 (Poster).


Aishwari Talhan, Hwangil Kim, Sanjeet Kumar, Ahsan Raza, and  Seokhee Jeon, “Pneumatic Actuated Haptic Glove to Interact with the Virtual Human," In Proceedings of AsiaHaptics Conference, 2018.


Ahsan Raza, Muhammad Abdullah, Waseem Hassan, Arsen Abdulali, Aishwari Talhan, Seokhee Jeon, “Painting Skill Transfer Through Haptic Channel," In Proceedings of  AsiaHaptics Conference, 2018.


Aishwari Talhan and Seokhee Jeon, “ Generalizing Pneumatic-Based Augmented Haptics Palpation Training Simulator,” AsiaHaptics 2018, Songdo, Korea. Nov 14th- 16th, 2018.


Aishwari Talhan and Seokhee Jeon, “Reconfigurable DRE Simulator using Augmented Haptics,” In Proceedings of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 2017.


Aishwari Talhan and Seokhee Jeon, “Prostate Tumor Palpation Simulator Based on Pneumatic and Augmented Haptics,” In Proceedings of the AsiaHaptics 2016.


Girish Talmale,  Aishwari Talhan, and Rajiv Dharaskar, “Analysis of multimedia forensic technique,” In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security. ACM, 2011.


Girish Talmale, Aishwari Talhan, and Rajiv Dharaskar, “Study of Latest Techniques for Multimedia Forensic,” In Proceeding International Conference on advanced computing & communication technologies for high-performance applications, at Cochin, India, Dec. 2010.

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